Saturday, April 4, 2009

Thing 23

I don't really have a specific plan of attack to use these Things in the classroom for this year, except for the Google Docs survey that I want the upper elementary students to take at the end of this year. I know I will be using some of the things next year for sure. My students don't have computer time with me, although I use the computer to enhance my lessons and to show examples from museums or artists. I know I will use the blog for personal reasons (like to show the progress of our house build) but I don't see how I can use the blog for my classes, yet! Delicious was mentioned at a staff meeting not to long ago. I think this Thing will come in handy, when trying to keep files organized going to 3 different schools. The other elementary art teacher and I share ideas whenever we get together, but that is not very frequently, so the wiki and delicious accounts will keep us informed of the projects we are doing with the students.

I still need to learn how to develop my district webpage with uploading pics. All my pics are too large to put on the webpage. All in all this class has built up my confidence (and at times my frustration level) with the internet. I think the best way to learn how to do this would be to ask the tech rep at school, or to just have the patience and time to sit down and explore the website with trial and error.

I have learned alot from this class and I enjoyed getting just a little more computer literate! Thanks Jim!

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