Create your own word search or see what others have created based on specific topics.
This would be beneficial to k-12 teachers - Expose key words on a topic, practice spelling words, or maybe some extra credit for students
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Thing 13 of 13
My final thoughts...First personally I have used Skype IM the most with 4thteach (Deb Miller). It is faster than email and we can both multitask and get other things done while still communicating. I like to IM people because my ear doesn't have to get sore & its less expensive than texting! The 2nd Thing I will use the most is Diigo - now that I know it can be accessed at school it is sure to help keep me organized! One of the commonalities of all the Things is to share them with peers, communicate, comment and share ideas! These Things will also grab the students attention and help make learning fun! I shared my comic and my Jing show with family and friends. I shared Diigo with a couple of teacher friends. I would like to share Jing with my students, but I have not tried it at school yet. I am teaching 2nd grade summer school and my Jing story could be a spring board for the students to tell their own story or ellaborate on mine.
I think there has been a few classes of 23 things now, because I hear teachers talk about it more and more. It is neat to share ideas and comment on how challenging some of the Things can be. Between the 3 schools that I teach at, there have been at least 7 teachers that I have talked to about all the Things! We compare their uses and share ideas on how to use them in our classes. I think the Things Classes have changed my outlook of the web - I can say that some of the Things I didnt even know existed. I will be using several of the things in my classes this upcoming school year. The Things classes makes me want some computer time with my students in the lab.
I think there has been a few classes of 23 things now, because I hear teachers talk about it more and more. It is neat to share ideas and comment on how challenging some of the Things can be. Between the 3 schools that I teach at, there have been at least 7 teachers that I have talked to about all the Things! We compare their uses and share ideas on how to use them in our classes. I think the Things Classes have changed my outlook of the web - I can say that some of the Things I didnt even know existed. I will be using several of the things in my classes this upcoming school year. The Things classes makes me want some computer time with my students in the lab.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thing 12 of 13
Diigo is really easy to use. I had no problems loading my delicious account. I added some from my favorites as well. I like that the account is accessible from work. It will make it easier when traveling to the different schools. I like the sticky notes and the highlights, it will really help focus on the important material I want to cover with the students. This is one of the things that I will be using this year to help keep me organized. This will also help save time searching for that one perfect site that enhances my lesson. I look forward to using these features with my students. I think that the concept of Social Bookmarking will continue in the future. There is so much on the web & there are so many ideas that can be shared. I have had some form of a computer my entire life, its hard to imagine life without one. Even when you think you got the latest and greatest of all technologies ... just wait a week & you'll be saving your pennies for an upgrade!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Thing 11 of 13
This was really interesting. I am not sure how I could use it in the Art room, but I like it for personal use. I could make that to do list, or email myself a list of things that I need to bring to school. I like that dial2do sends an email and reminders. I think the speech to text cuts off after a certain amount of words/time. The speech is a little broken up on the Vozme site - but it does work. I had no problems getting theese programs to work. Poetry could be read aloud if there really is a time limit instead of a book. Daily weather reports could be recorded and played.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Thing 10 of 13
I created an account in My Map called Malta's Treasures. I use google Earth at school all the time to show great landmarks. We fly around the world in art, using Google Earth. I like the idea of My Maps are created by me and how it narrows the focus. When I use Google Earth I tend to get sidetracked! On a personal note, I will be using My Maps prior to traveling. I would think that it saves valuable time trying to figure out directions in an unfamiliar city.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Thing 9
I made the search for an Art Teacher to use to research Artists and Projects using Art related sites,subject matter and topics. I think this could be one of the Things that is most useful to me as a teacher. This is great for limiting younger students using the Internet. There is SO much information on the web and some that is not appropriate for kids (especially in Art)! I would think parents could use this to monitor what the kids are researching and limiting the research without having to sort the info.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Thing 7 of 13 Screencast
I am having all kinds of trouble getting the link to attach (my puter keeps saying it will not let me post to a scripted website?!?) and I just cannot figure out how to embed my video on this blog. I will have to revise this post later.
I am having all kinds of trouble getting the link to attach (my puter keeps saying it will not let me post to a scripted website?!?) and I just cannot figure out how to embed my video on this blog. I will have to revise this post later.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Thing 8 Screencast w/ Jing
The first time I tried Jing I captured a photo. When I tried to do a video, I had forgotten to turn on the microphone (dah). Other than operator error, I really didn't have any problems creating it. I am however having a problem getting it embedded in the blog. I will have to try again later. I created a slideshow out of pictures and then recorded a story using Jing. What FUN! Even though I did something more personal, students could easily narrate a story using their own pictures. There was a thought of doing a step by step drawing on a white board and then taking a picture of it to create a video draw. This is just another great way for students to enjoy learning with the use of technology. I had so much fun creating this, that I will be sharing this link with some family members that are out of town.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thing 6 of 13

I used Toondoo because it had some cultural background scenes. I like to integrate books with my Art curriculum which gave me this idea. I love comics. I use comics (when I find them relating to Art concepts) to introduce lessons with students. I have several from Ziggy, Foxtrot, Nancy and Frank & Ernest who are my absolute favorites!
I think the comics add some creative thoughts and are another way for students to tell a story and be creative. Comics can illustrate sequence of events. A comic can turn into a writing prompt for a story. This is also a great way for students to collaborate and work on a series of comics together based upon an current or historical event.
I would think that the older students would enjoy this more than the younger students.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Thing 5 of 13
I really like the slideshows that are posted and how comments are made. There are some gorgeous photos on world travel! I did create my account (keeping with the ymarteacha log in name) I am debating which to embed. So far I like Picture Writing ~ Students in a 3rd grade class made a book about weather, integrating poetry and art. I also like the slideshow that has students describing their artwork and expressing their own opinions about the finished piece. I think this is a great example of freedom of speech. Opinions can be shared and debates can be had.
The one that will be embedded will be a report on Picasso.In this Voice Thread students can identify and classify paintings completed during Picasso's life.
The one that will be embedded will be a report on Picasso.In this Voice Thread students can identify and classify paintings completed during Picasso's life.
Thing 4 of 13
I have only used Skype once. I thought it was really neat, there was a bit of delay but it worked. I would like to try again soon. I know several people who uses Skype when loved ones were over seas. I wish I knew about this when I was in Malta 5 years ago. It would have solved alot of problems trying to figure out how to call home.
There are so many ways to integrate Skype in education; Poetry readings, conferencing with other classes, brainstorming ideas with others, interaction with other cultures, penpal exchange, book discussions, etc. I liked the idea of conferencing with an Author/Illustrator.
There are so many ways to integrate Skype in education; Poetry readings, conferencing with other classes, brainstorming ideas with others, interaction with other cultures, penpal exchange, book discussions, etc. I liked the idea of conferencing with an Author/Illustrator.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Thing 2 : Twitter
I searched for friends using email addresses and found 2 friends, so I invited some contacts. My username is ymarteacha... I have not hooked it up to my phone because I dont know how much I will be charged. So until I call the cell phone company I am keeping my tweets going to the email (for now).
I see this very handy in the business world. I personally think its a bit rude to tweet while in a class or like congress does in meetings. It is great way to stay in touch with friends and family - I have no children but I would bet that teen girls crave it!
I'm not sure how I would use this professionally - but it will be interesting to see how I can. Maybe I will find some well known artists to follow...
I see this very handy in the business world. I personally think its a bit rude to tweet while in a class or like congress does in meetings. It is great way to stay in touch with friends and family - I have no children but I would bet that teen girls crave it!
I'm not sure how I would use this professionally - but it will be interesting to see how I can. Maybe I will find some well known artists to follow...
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Thing 23
I don't really have a specific plan of attack to use these Things in the classroom for this year, except for the Google Docs survey that I want the upper elementary students to take at the end of this year. I know I will be using some of the things next year for sure. My students don't have computer time with me, although I use the computer to enhance my lessons and to show examples from museums or artists. I know I will use the blog for personal reasons (like to show the progress of our house build) but I don't see how I can use the blog for my classes, yet! Delicious was mentioned at a staff meeting not to long ago. I think this Thing will come in handy, when trying to keep files organized going to 3 different schools. The other elementary art teacher and I share ideas whenever we get together, but that is not very frequently, so the wiki and delicious accounts will keep us informed of the projects we are doing with the students.
I still need to learn how to develop my district webpage with uploading pics. All my pics are too large to put on the webpage. All in all this class has built up my confidence (and at times my frustration level) with the internet. I think the best way to learn how to do this would be to ask the tech rep at school, or to just have the patience and time to sit down and explore the website with trial and error.
I have learned alot from this class and I enjoyed getting just a little more computer literate! Thanks Jim!
I still need to learn how to develop my district webpage with uploading pics. All my pics are too large to put on the webpage. All in all this class has built up my confidence (and at times my frustration level) with the internet. I think the best way to learn how to do this would be to ask the tech rep at school, or to just have the patience and time to sit down and explore the website with trial and error.
I have learned alot from this class and I enjoyed getting just a little more computer literate! Thanks Jim!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Google Docs Art Survey
I completed the end of the year Art Survey. I am hoping that my 3rd-5th graders will take it.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thing 22
I registered for MI Learnport. The liklihood of me taking an online class is high. I have to get SBCEU's and so I will always be looking. It is very difficult to find PD in Art or anything related to Art that I am able to get credit for. I got used to taking online classes after completing my masters online. I really like taking online classes. It's great to complete assignments at home without having to battle the snow/rain traveling to a school and sitting for hours. I have had a great experience with this class. I learned alot. I was able to share some "things" to organize and communicate with others. My favorites are flicker, wikis, delicious, and YouTube!
Thing 21
I posted 3 videos that I will be using in my classroom next week with the 5th graders. I think they will really like them. We are starting to look at Aboriginal Artwork. I share with the students my own didgeridoo and we look at the artwork that ribbons around the instrument. I Can't play the digeridoo - but they will be able to hear it being played through the video. I liked how the camera was turned; not sure why, other than maybe it was so that the instrument could fit in the picture?!?
I like the videos, it adds interest into lessons and they give alot of information in a little amount of time.
As I was viewing the videos, I happened to scroll down to look at the comments that were left, and so many were obscene. Why do people have to swear so much when they leave a comment? At least with embedding it into the blog it gets rid of all the comments and extra links to inappropriate material.
The school that I teach at has many things blocked, but I can access (for now) my blog so I am able to play the videos. I tried vixy and it was taking forever so I stopped it and will go back later. I have become impatient with the Internet and waiting after I had upgraded from dial up to dsl. I was going to print a bumper sticker that said "I did my Master's online with Dial up!" I now know I was crazy (and patient) and I think I deserve a medal for it! HA!
I like the videos, it adds interest into lessons and they give alot of information in a little amount of time.
As I was viewing the videos, I happened to scroll down to look at the comments that were left, and so many were obscene. Why do people have to swear so much when they leave a comment? At least with embedding it into the blog it gets rid of all the comments and extra links to inappropriate material.
The school that I teach at has many things blocked, but I can access (for now) my blog so I am able to play the videos. I tried vixy and it was taking forever so I stopped it and will go back later. I have become impatient with the Internet and waiting after I had upgraded from dial up to dsl. I was going to print a bumper sticker that said "I did my Master's online with Dial up!" I now know I was crazy (and patient) and I think I deserve a medal for it! HA!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Thing 20
First of all, I must share that I think I sound absolutely terrible on a podcast. No matter how many times I tried to redo the recording, I never did get it right.
I think the students would enjoy a podcast in the Art lessons I present. I believe the students would enjoy creating a podcast presentation with key points from a report.
I have not found any really great podcast to use in a lesson, Yet! Honestly, I don't really seek out podcasts on the Internet. I prefer to read an article than listen to it. Maybe it's because I hear noise all day long - sometimes it gets too loud in the Artroom! I'll keep looking.
I think the students would enjoy a podcast in the Art lessons I present. I believe the students would enjoy creating a podcast presentation with key points from a report.
I have not found any really great podcast to use in a lesson, Yet! Honestly, I don't really seek out podcasts on the Internet. I prefer to read an article than listen to it. Maybe it's because I hear noise all day long - sometimes it gets too loud in the Artroom! I'll keep looking.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Thing 19
I listened to several podcasts. I am a visual person, so I didn't enjoy it as much as other "things". Although it is interesting and the topics are endless. I disliked hearing advertisments in many of the podcasts that I listened to (truly like a radio).
I think that students would like to have podcasts integrated in their learning, but I do think that the students would prefer to have something to watch like a vodcast (we are so accustomed to the TV).
The students could be guided to sites with the podcasts to research a topic or unit being studied as long as the technology is available. I think that these podcasts would make current events fun for students to explore.
I could use podcasting in my lectures with teaching Art. Podcasts could be used to include valuable information that relates to the concepts being taught and explore cultural information. I would think that a podcast could be included with a Power Point Presentation (not sure if this is even possible). I will be using podcasting to enhance my lessons containing cultural music to be included in multi-cultural units.
Podcasts would work in my lectures well as long as there is technology available to access it. I don't think that the sound quality is the best quality but yet is still decent. This could get boring if the podcast is too long and could be problematic if a student has a hard time focusing strictly on listening.
The Podcasts that I listened to were from Storynory. I listened to 2 stories: The Dragon and his Grandmother and Jack and the Beanstalk. The listener could follow along with the text, but there were no illustrations to the story.
I also listened to Podcasts that were student made. The "I believe in..." series, which students used as a reflection, expression of thoughts and public communication.
I looked and got away from Podcasting at the Scholastic 10 podcasts for teachers. There I found the poetry links that read poetry. This will be great during April is Poetry Month!
My favorite podcasts I explored was 60 seconds of Science at
I think that students would like to have podcasts integrated in their learning, but I do think that the students would prefer to have something to watch like a vodcast (we are so accustomed to the TV).
The students could be guided to sites with the podcasts to research a topic or unit being studied as long as the technology is available. I think that these podcasts would make current events fun for students to explore.
I could use podcasting in my lectures with teaching Art. Podcasts could be used to include valuable information that relates to the concepts being taught and explore cultural information. I would think that a podcast could be included with a Power Point Presentation (not sure if this is even possible). I will be using podcasting to enhance my lessons containing cultural music to be included in multi-cultural units.
Podcasts would work in my lectures well as long as there is technology available to access it. I don't think that the sound quality is the best quality but yet is still decent. This could get boring if the podcast is too long and could be problematic if a student has a hard time focusing strictly on listening.
The Podcasts that I listened to were from Storynory. I listened to 2 stories: The Dragon and his Grandmother and Jack and the Beanstalk. The listener could follow along with the text, but there were no illustrations to the story.
I also listened to Podcasts that were student made. The "I believe in..." series, which students used as a reflection, expression of thoughts and public communication.
I looked and got away from Podcasting at the Scholastic 10 podcasts for teachers. There I found the poetry links that read poetry. This will be great during April is Poetry Month!
My favorite podcasts I explored was 60 seconds of Science at
Friday, March 6, 2009
Thing 17 Wikis
Thing 14 I recommend this wiki:
Thing 15 I added to Louisiana.
Thing 16 I opened my own wiki:
I started the wiki on mosaics. I found a really great website with all kinds of mosaic examples. I saw the fabulous pieces that the Romans left behind in Malta. Since then, I fell in love with the mosaic art form and my goal is to one day complete an art piece of my own.
I think that wikis are great for group collaboration. This is an excellent way to have the students research and gather information about any topic. At first, I was confused as to the sites the states were to be posted to, but eventually (after creating another page) I figured out that I was on the wrong MCISD site, oops! I would like to find the time to create pages in wiki about the different types of Folk Art. It will make a great reference for students to explore different cultures and make references for them to create projects influenced by the studied culture.
Blogging I think is more for reflection and a place that opinions can be expressed. Although there is a way to make comments on blogs, Wikis are geared more for collaboration. Factual information can be updated and changed by multiple parties.
I could see a use for both Wikis and Blogs with older students but not the young students (I would think there would be typing issues for sure!) In Art, students could reflect and comment on a blog and do a collaborative research paper about an artist on a wiki. As a teacher, I like the fact that the history can be reviewed to see who added what. This will ensure that each student will participate.
Thing 15 I added to Louisiana.
Thing 16 I opened my own wiki:
I started the wiki on mosaics. I found a really great website with all kinds of mosaic examples. I saw the fabulous pieces that the Romans left behind in Malta. Since then, I fell in love with the mosaic art form and my goal is to one day complete an art piece of my own.
I think that wikis are great for group collaboration. This is an excellent way to have the students research and gather information about any topic. At first, I was confused as to the sites the states were to be posted to, but eventually (after creating another page) I figured out that I was on the wrong MCISD site, oops! I would like to find the time to create pages in wiki about the different types of Folk Art. It will make a great reference for students to explore different cultures and make references for them to create projects influenced by the studied culture.
Blogging I think is more for reflection and a place that opinions can be expressed. Although there is a way to make comments on blogs, Wikis are geared more for collaboration. Factual information can be updated and changed by multiple parties.
I could see a use for both Wikis and Blogs with older students but not the young students (I would think there would be typing issues for sure!) In Art, students could reflect and comment on a blog and do a collaborative research paper about an artist on a wiki. As a teacher, I like the fact that the history can be reviewed to see who added what. This will ensure that each student will participate.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Thing 7 - EduBlog substitute
I have been looking for a good edublog site related to Art instruction and have not found a great one that I could comment on. I did however find a posting on a blog that is worth noting. This is a blog that I enjoy and I have now listed it on bloglines. I thought this was neat and wanted to share Joan Steiner artwork. I know my students love I Spy and this artwork is really neat!
** Go to the site & click on the pictures to see the detail - its Fabulous!
** Go to the site & click on the pictures to see the detail - its Fabulous!
Thing 13 - Pictures
This is my second time trying to post the pics. I did not synchronize my flickr to the blogger so it wouldn't work. I had to delete the first post and do it over!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Thing 13
I used Picnik to enhance the pink around Thor's eyes and nose (as if he needs more pink, the little piggy). I used Dumpr to put a picture of me visiting the Detroit Thanksgiving Parade Open House as a museum picture. I became a celebrity over night! This was alot of fun to play with the pictures. I thought it was very user friendly and it connected to flickr in a matter of seconds!
I could see the students making a self-portrait with Andy Warhol's influence to create a masterpiece. I could see the students using a picture of themselves in dumpr to make an Art Mystery story. Another student favorite project is the Artist Trading Card (these have become very popular with students and adults) there are many websites that feature ATC's and using altered pictures would be alot of fun to experiment with.
I use pictures alot in my classroom for documenting art projects and showing students examples from other students (not just the examples I make). I have created a slideshow and displayed them at the music concerts for parents to view while waiting for the music concerts to start. Pictures are alot of fun!
Thing 12
I am a new Flickr user. I had fun playing with flickr and uploading some of my favorites, like pictures of my dog and my dollhouse(mini's collection). I use the dollhouse pictures in an assignment in what I call the "Dream House". Students become builders and they must measure out a minimum of 4 rooms (could have up to 6 rooms) and then they draw furniture in perspective (3D). I show the students pictures of the dollhouse because it shows the more detail that is added, the more appealing it looks. Of course the girls love it and the boys dont mind either when they find out that there could be an indoor basketball room, or an arcade/game room. In the past, students tell me that it is one of their favorite art projects.
I really like the idea of checking out pictures from others (when doing research of where to take vacations). This ensures that nothing worthwhile is missed. I have been to some of Mexico's ruins, London England, and to Malta on vacations out of the country. I have shared pictures of Artwork and architecture from these vacations with my students. Some Art Museums allow pictures to be taken of their permanent collections (not special exhibits). I share these with the students when we study the culture or the artwork. I went to Chicago's Field Museum and show the 2nd graders "Sue, the dinosaur" when we study dinosaurs and make them out of ceramic clay with a diorama. I use pictures all the time in the classroom! It's like a virtual fieldtrip!
I have started the set up of an Art webpage on the districts website, but I have not uploaded any pictures to it. Flickr may be able to assist me in doing this. I think parents would enjoy seeing the students' artwork and the students working during Art class. I do think that there is a fine line in putting pictures of artwork with students names, grade levels, etc. I would not want to put anyone in danger with names, schools, grade levels, etc. being posted on the web publicly. I think this is one of the main reasons I have not finished the Art webpage on the district site.
I was able to put the Flickr badge on my blog. I had a little trouble at first, I could get the description but I did not know where to paste it for it to show up. I added some more pictures of myself, my younger brother and my fiance' to share with you.
I really like the idea of checking out pictures from others (when doing research of where to take vacations). This ensures that nothing worthwhile is missed. I have been to some of Mexico's ruins, London England, and to Malta on vacations out of the country. I have shared pictures of Artwork and architecture from these vacations with my students. Some Art Museums allow pictures to be taken of their permanent collections (not special exhibits). I share these with the students when we study the culture or the artwork. I went to Chicago's Field Museum and show the 2nd graders "Sue, the dinosaur" when we study dinosaurs and make them out of ceramic clay with a diorama. I use pictures all the time in the classroom! It's like a virtual fieldtrip!
I have started the set up of an Art webpage on the districts website, but I have not uploaded any pictures to it. Flickr may be able to assist me in doing this. I think parents would enjoy seeing the students' artwork and the students working during Art class. I do think that there is a fine line in putting pictures of artwork with students names, grade levels, etc. I would not want to put anyone in danger with names, schools, grade levels, etc. being posted on the web publicly. I think this is one of the main reasons I have not finished the Art webpage on the district site.
I was able to put the Flickr badge on my blog. I had a little trouble at first, I could get the description but I did not know where to paste it for it to show up. I added some more pictures of myself, my younger brother and my fiance' to share with you.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Thing 11 - Part 2
I will be using this with the students, for sure! There are so many valuable resources. One could get lost for hours exploring all of these. The schools I work at have the computer hooked to a TV monitor, so I could easily share these with the students. Alot of the artist Slideshares are interactive and ask questions about the artwork. This has been my favorite thing so far! What a great way to explore countries and folk art as well! I hope access to the website is not blocked at the schools like You Tube!
Thing 10
I do like the fact that the document on Google Docs can be accessed from any computer that has the Internet. I used to always email myself back and forth to work. When I got the thumb drive that changed it all. Now, I save everything to it. I did take Jim Dornberg's advice and created folders for the files to start organizing. Although, it is still not organized completely, it is better than it was. Google docs does not support .docx nor .xlsx files so many of the documents I could not transfer to Google Docs. I really like the fact that people can add and share the same document at the same time. This is a great way for 2 art teachers (that work in the same district but at different schools) to collaborate on lesson planning.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Thing 8
Oh yes - I like this much better, no more emailing the url back and forth to school emails. I love how simple and how much it makes sense to use this. I told the other Elementary art teacher that I want her to join so that we can share. We always talk on the phone discussing everything under the "web", this would be so much easier to collaborate on the sites that we use all the time.
My finance' and I are building a house - and we are always looking for new ideas and we would actually pass and trade laptops so that we could see what great idea was found. We will be taking all the favorites and putting them together on this social bookmark. It's Fabulous, I mean delicious!
USERNAME: ymarteacha
Now I just need something to organize all my documents and pictures! I have a "thumb drive" that I love & would be devastated if it was ever misplaced! But it is an unorganized mess. My traditional paper files are more organized than the electronic ones! Maybe a different "thing" will help me do that too! I can only hope!
My finance' and I are building a house - and we are always looking for new ideas and we would actually pass and trade laptops so that we could see what great idea was found. We will be taking all the favorites and putting them together on this social bookmark. It's Fabulous, I mean delicious!
USERNAME: ymarteacha
Now I just need something to organize all my documents and pictures! I have a "thumb drive" that I love & would be devastated if it was ever misplaced! But it is an unorganized mess. My traditional paper files are more organized than the electronic ones! Maybe a different "thing" will help me do that too! I can only hope!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Thing 5
I honestly didn't know what the true meaning of Web 2.0 was until reviewing this unit. My cell phone has become a major part of my life. I use it mainly for an alarm clock, recording events on the calendar, texting, accessing the Internet, finding the weather radar, and it takes pictures when I find an idea that I could use with my students for Art class. I always look forward to a cell phone upgrade to get all the latest and greatest features. My current phone does not have driving directions, but I learned that you can access maps through the Internet on the phone, which has come to be useful several times during the summer when there is so much construction. I found out that I don't really need to upgrade the phone, but I always want the one with the most features (of course)!
Web 2.0 allows parents, teachers, and students to communicate and take an active role in education. There are so many ways to share ideas, get opinions or advice and allow the students to take personal responsibility in their own learning. As did the teacher that uses blogging for the students to create their own study guides for tests. The teacher then monitors and rewards the students for being collaborative and motivated about the concepts being studied. I think the students have a greater interest in learning when technology is involved. Today, technology is vital in education to promote an independent, motivated, life long learner in every student (no matter what age they are).
Web 2.0 allows parents, teachers, and students to communicate and take an active role in education. There are so many ways to share ideas, get opinions or advice and allow the students to take personal responsibility in their own learning. As did the teacher that uses blogging for the students to create their own study guides for tests. The teacher then monitors and rewards the students for being collaborative and motivated about the concepts being studied. I think the students have a greater interest in learning when technology is involved. Today, technology is vital in education to promote an independent, motivated, life long learner in every student (no matter what age they are).
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Thing 4
I looked closely at the the deficiencies workers are lacking and noticed that the Arts teach the skills that these workers are lacking. There are National and State Standards to provide students the means to communicate, reflect and evaluate artwork. I try to incorporate these skills with my lessons when I teach students Art concepts. The Art teacher must juggle art production and reflection within a limited amount of student contact time.
I believe that teachers must model what it takes to become a life long learner. Achievable goals should be set, shared, and then celebrate the achievement of meeting the goals. I think the global student will need to be self-motivated, disciplined and be willing to explore new things.
I believe that teachers must model what it takes to become a life long learner. Achievable goals should be set, shared, and then celebrate the achievement of meeting the goals. I think the global student will need to be self-motivated, disciplined and be willing to explore new things.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Thing 3 of 23 Things
When I saw the 23 Thing checklist, I got excited about the class and wanted to start right away. I know nothing about any of the listed tasks. I laughed when I said "flickr". This is my first blog account. I do like to read postings after news articles, but I have never posted my opinion. I don't like to share my thoughts and opinions publicly, so this class could be a challenge for me to overcome. After reading the articles how teachers use blogging in the classroom, and the common sense guidelines that go along with posting something for all to read, I am ready to give this a try. My goal in completing the 23 Things class is to broaden my tech skills and I hope to come up with ways to put them to use in the Art classroom.
Hello! This is my first entry to set up my account. As I started typing I have found a side of shyness that I didn't know I had. I keep deleting what I type, because I don't know what to say!
My dog, Thor is a white doberman and he is mad because he is not getting any attention!
My dog, Thor is a white doberman and he is mad because he is not getting any attention!
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