Saturday, March 28, 2009

Google Docs Art Survey

I completed the end of the year Art Survey. I am hoping that my 3rd-5th graders will take it.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thing 22

I registered for MI Learnport. The liklihood of me taking an online class is high. I have to get SBCEU's and so I will always be looking. It is very difficult to find PD in Art or anything related to Art that I am able to get credit for. I got used to taking online classes after completing my masters online. I really like taking online classes. It's great to complete assignments at home without having to battle the snow/rain traveling to a school and sitting for hours. I have had a great experience with this class. I learned alot. I was able to share some "things" to organize and communicate with others. My favorites are flicker, wikis, delicious, and YouTube!

Thing 21

I posted 3 videos that I will be using in my classroom next week with the 5th graders. I think they will really like them. We are starting to look at Aboriginal Artwork. I share with the students my own didgeridoo and we look at the artwork that ribbons around the instrument. I Can't play the digeridoo - but they will be able to hear it being played through the video. I liked how the camera was turned; not sure why, other than maybe it was so that the instrument could fit in the picture?!?

I like the videos, it adds interest into lessons and they give alot of information in a little amount of time.

As I was viewing the videos, I happened to scroll down to look at the comments that were left, and so many were obscene. Why do people have to swear so much when they leave a comment? At least with embedding it into the blog it gets rid of all the comments and extra links to inappropriate material.

The school that I teach at has many things blocked, but I can access (for now) my blog so I am able to play the videos. I tried vixy and it was taking forever so I stopped it and will go back later. I have become impatient with the Internet and waiting after I had upgraded from dial up to dsl. I was going to print a bumper sticker that said "I did my Master's online with Dial up!" I now know I was crazy (and patient) and I think I deserve a medal for it! HA!

Australian Aboriginal Art w/ Didgeridoo

Animated Aboriginal Paintings


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thing 20

First of all, I must share that I think I sound absolutely terrible on a podcast. No matter how many times I tried to redo the recording, I never did get it right.

I think the students would enjoy a podcast in the Art lessons I present. I believe the students would enjoy creating a podcast presentation with key points from a report.

I have not found any really great podcast to use in a lesson, Yet! Honestly, I don't really seek out podcasts on the Internet. I prefer to read an article than listen to it. Maybe it's because I hear noise all day long - sometimes it gets too loud in the Artroom! I'll keep looking.

Podcast in the Art Room

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thing 19

I listened to several podcasts. I am a visual person, so I didn't enjoy it as much as other "things". Although it is interesting and the topics are endless. I disliked hearing advertisments in many of the podcasts that I listened to (truly like a radio).

I think that students would like to have podcasts integrated in their learning, but I do think that the students would prefer to have something to watch like a vodcast (we are so accustomed to the TV).

The students could be guided to sites with the podcasts to research a topic or unit being studied as long as the technology is available. I think that these podcasts would make current events fun for students to explore.

I could use podcasting in my lectures with teaching Art. Podcasts could be used to include valuable information that relates to the concepts being taught and explore cultural information. I would think that a podcast could be included with a Power Point Presentation (not sure if this is even possible). I will be using podcasting to enhance my lessons containing cultural music to be included in multi-cultural units.

Podcasts would work in my lectures well as long as there is technology available to access it. I don't think that the sound quality is the best quality but yet is still decent. This could get boring if the podcast is too long and could be problematic if a student has a hard time focusing strictly on listening.

The Podcasts that I listened to were from Storynory. I listened to 2 stories: The Dragon and his Grandmother and Jack and the Beanstalk. The listener could follow along with the text, but there were no illustrations to the story.

I also listened to Podcasts that were student made. The "I believe in..." series, which students used as a reflection, expression of thoughts and public communication.

I looked and got away from Podcasting at the Scholastic 10 podcasts for teachers. There I found the poetry links that read poetry. This will be great during April is Poetry Month!

My favorite podcasts I explored was 60 seconds of Science at

Friday, March 6, 2009

Eric Carle Interview - Thing 18 Widget

Grafiti Artist Haring Widget

Thing 17 Wikis

Thing 14 I recommend this wiki:

Thing 15 I added to Louisiana.

Thing 16 I opened my own wiki:
I started the wiki on mosaics. I found a really great website with all kinds of mosaic examples. I saw the fabulous pieces that the Romans left behind in Malta. Since then, I fell in love with the mosaic art form and my goal is to one day complete an art piece of my own.

I think that wikis are great for group collaboration. This is an excellent way to have the students research and gather information about any topic. At first, I was confused as to the sites the states were to be posted to, but eventually (after creating another page) I figured out that I was on the wrong MCISD site, oops! I would like to find the time to create pages in wiki about the different types of Folk Art. It will make a great reference for students to explore different cultures and make references for them to create projects influenced by the studied culture.

Blogging I think is more for reflection and a place that opinions can be expressed. Although there is a way to make comments on blogs, Wikis are geared more for collaboration. Factual information can be updated and changed by multiple parties.

I could see a use for both Wikis and Blogs with older students but not the young students (I would think there would be typing issues for sure!) In Art, students could reflect and comment on a blog and do a collaborative research paper about an artist on a wiki. As a teacher, I like the fact that the history can be reviewed to see who added what. This will ensure that each student will participate.